About us
The founders of the company, Danny Jung and Ulrik Lynge, have first-hand experience with the significant challenges players face when tactics are discussed in a traditional way. Throughout a lifetime in the sports world, Danny and Ulrik have experienced the many changes to both the game. Both in the sport itself and in the framework around it and these changes have been made in the genuine effort to improve. However, one thing is unchanged: the tactical board on the wall or standing on the flip-over, which is used when tactics are to be explained, introduced, learned, or refined.

”Tabula1 brings the tactical board down to a horizontal position with the right dimensions and animate the conversation to create player involvement and curiosity in the tactical part of the game. Extensive research regarding learning and development as a player / coach / human being supports this kind of engagement”.

Danny Jung is a former professional footballer and since his career ended in 2004, he has been a high level coach. Danny holds the highest coaching qualification – UEFA Pro license- and he is employed by the Danish FA in coaching education.

For the past 20 years, Ulrik Lynge has worked with learning, motivation and performance optimization, both in the business context and among elite athletes.